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(876) 304-0096
Negril Spay Neuter Clinic
The Negril Spay Neuter Clinic is donor/volunteer based and animal focused.
What To do if your pet is poisoned?
Tips for dealing with Poisoning
The common poisons that are encountered in Jamaica are :
1. Gramoxone (Paraquat) - Weedicide
2. Insecticides
3. Toads - only a special breed (Bufo marinus)
4. Rat poison
Gramoxone Poisoning
Gramoxone is a herbicide that is most often encountered with malicious poisonings in dogs. Scores of dogs have been poisoned by eating poison-laced meat while wandering their neighborhoods. The chemical creates intense gastrointestinal upset quickly after ingestion occurs. After 1-2 weeks animals begin showing signs of respiratory distress and eventually die from the damage done to the lungs. If the poisoning is caught quickly activated charcoal can be administered to prevent and slow absorption. Unfortunately, the prognosis for this type of poisoning is poor. The best prevention is keeping your pet confined on your property.
There are many insecticides used in households. Many are used as aerosols such as Pyro and Baygon or as baits that are used in gardens. Common signs seen with this kind of poisoning are: vomiting, inappetence and increased salivation. Unlike Gramoxone, there is an antidote that can be given if affected animals are seen as soon after ingestion as possible. If the poison is in bait form, owners can induce vomiting by giving a tablespoonful of hydrogen peroxide orally for large dogs and a teaspoonful for small dogs and puppies.
Toad Poisoning
Bufo marinus is a poisonous toad. This toad can excrete a thick, irritating venom that can cause extreme irritation in the mouths of animals. The poison glands are on the back of the neck of toads. Dogs contact the poison when they bite or lick the back of the toad. The most common clinical signs are retching, vomiting, pawing at the mouth, and hypersalivation. When a large amount of venom is absorbed, an animal can go into convulsions and have cardiac arrhythmias. If you suspect recent exposure, flush your dog's mouth with water from a garden hose. Therapy for intoxication is mainly supportive and limiting further absorption of the venom. Such as giving activated charcoal. If severe signs are seen, treat this condition as an emergency and call immediately. (876)-304-0096.
Rat Poison
The first thing to do when u have suspected that your pet has consumed rat poison is to induce vomiting using hydrogen peroxide orally at 1 tablespoon for large dogs and a teaspoon for puppies and small dogs. The pet should be rushed to a clinic so that the antidote, vitamin K1 can be given. Signs of rat poisoning include: bleeding from the gums, rectum and blood in the urine.
What is a fast and easy way to donate to Negril Spay & Neuter Clinics?
We now have our own PayPal account for easier donations. Alternitvely, you
can donate to our GoFundMe Page.
How young can a dog be to be spayed or neutered?
Generally speaking, the age is not as relevant as the weight. At the very least, they have to be over 2lbs.
Can you tell us about how much it costs, maybe we would be able to raise funds and put on the next clinic.
The cost for a clinic that spays/neuters about 25-30 animals is approximately $1300.00 US dollars. A vet needs to be confirmed and funds need to be raised to cover the cost of their services (vet services usually include the animals surgery, the travel time, and the medication for the animals that need it after the clinic). Clinics cannnot be arranged until we have the funds to cover them.
What other costs are donations used for?
We also supply food for the feeding stations, anti-biotics for the injured. There are also those calls for emergencies such as animals hurt on the road. There are many costs, background costs and work involved in maintaining the clinic.
How many animals do you think the clinic has spayed, neutered or helped?
Since the beginning of 2013, the clinic has helped around 300-330 animals.